Tag Archives: field trips

Price House Nature Center

The Price House Nature Center offers a chance to learn about Blacksburg’s local ecology in a fun setting. Through exhibits at the Nature Center, field trips, theme days and other events, the center encourages visitors to learn about life cycles, sustainable living, civic responsibility and cultural awareness.

Some of the exhibits at the nature center have been created by local students, including one exhibit on fruits and seeds. Other exhibits showcase local birds, insects, trees and habitats. The nature center also features places to play and read and a backyard garden.

The nature center is run by SEEDS (Seek Education Explore DiScover), an organization founded in 1995 to encourage civic responsibility and a sustainable society. Blacksburg staff and SEEDS volunteers renovated the vacant historic house, and SEEDS relocated its office there in December 2009. The grand opening of the nature center was held in the spring of 2009.

Activities and exhibits organized by SEEDS focus on play, travel, study, independent thought and creativity. Recent field trips include explorations of the Stroubles Creek watershed. SEEDS also organizes after-school programs and summer camps.

The Price House Nature Center is open Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursdays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It is located at 107 Wharton St. SE in downtown Blacksburg.